Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Meeting Santa Claus

After the program Alyse and Ethan got to meet Santa Claus and tell him what they wanted. When it was Alyse's turn with Santa she ran up to him exclaiming, "Santa" and hopped on his lap. She than clammed up when he began talking to her and asking her what she wanted for Christmas. I told him a camera, he than told her he was pretty sure she had been a really good girl, and he would try and get one for her. Than her and Ethan got pictures together with Santa. As we were leaving the room Alyse kept yelling, "Merry Christmas, Santa Claus!"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alyse's Christmas Program

Alyse performed with her preschool class many Christmas songs and Rhymes

"Santa's Rosy Cheeks"

Alyse said she had fun singing for all of the parents.

Alyse singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day!!!

So this is Alyse's first real snowman. One that is taller than her and lasted more than an hour. She proudly rolled the head. Mom sacrificed her back for the rest of the snowman. (probably the first I've made since elementary school.)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Pictures

Alyse and Mom in a giant pumpkin.
David and Ethan.

The Most Beautiful Witch in the World!

This was a very monumental day for Alyse. It was the first time we have got her to go in or on these blowup jump and slide toys. Hopefully, she won't be so scared the next time we are at an activity with these toys. She did really well, after Mom climbed up the toys with her.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beautiful Babies

Here is a sneak peak at Ethan's first professional pictures.
We could not leave Alyse out.

We got our pictures taken at Pretty Pictures. Really creative photographer.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ethan's Birth

On September 2, 2008 our little boy decided to arrive in style with an emergency C-Section. I was apparently in active labor and didn't know it. After realizing something was wrong at 8:00 that evening we all rushed to the hospital to see what was going on. Dr. Nance decided it was time to have our baby.

Ethan was born at 11:18 by C-Section. David and I were blessed to see him pulled out. Yep, blessed it was very awesome for me, it gave me the experience of being one of the first to see my baby.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Summer Daze

Alyse is a little bit afraid of actually swimming at the swimming pool.
But, she loved this little Elmo Sprinkler. She played with it all summer.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From Three to a Family of Four

I haven't quite got a new picture, but it's in the works. This one was taken December 2005. A ton of things have changed since then.
  1. A new baby Ethan born Sept. 2, 2008
  2. Both Dave and I work at different places. (me at home.)
  3. Most likely weight and wrinkle changes.

